Sunday, April 13, 2008

Easiest and Best Taco Salad Ever

1 lb ground beef
1 pkg taco seasoning mix (Taco Time's is the best, but if you're not in Canada, you might have a hard time finding this...)
1 head shredded iceberg lettuce (I know, I have romaine, but I had some that needed to be used up!)
shredded cheese (I dunno, a couple of handfuls)
1 bag tortilla chips, crushed
Catalina dressing

Brown the meat in a frying pan. Add taco seasoning and cook according to directions on the package.

Put lettuce, cheese, meat and dressing in a big bowl, or big pot if you don't have a bowl, ha ha.

Add chips last - they get soggy!

Mix. That's it, not rocket science. Yummah. Or Yummo, if you prefer.

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